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  • dariancarlovich

Catching On

Last week I began "experimenting" for the first time this semester and I found a technique that I thoroughly enjoyed; pouring and layering paint onto a canvas and spreading it using a blowdryer. I experienced a few errors which was expected. The first works that I made were created with acrylic paint and I found that it wasn't producing the look that I was hoping for. The paint was cracking a bit in a few spots, and it wasn't spreading the way I wanted.

I went to Michaels this weekend and found "Fluid Paint". It was something I hadn't seen before. They didn't have many color options available but I knew I had to try it. So.I purchased three colors and a few more canvas boards and went to work. I tried two different techniques of pouring the paint and just squeezing the tube onto the canvas. To my surprise, the results were not much different.

This newfound fluid paint has changed the game. The paint spread with ease and the appearance of the piece is more of what I was hoping to achieve. I have much more experimentation to do but I think this has been a great step forward for me.

I've been thinking of what colors I want to do. Do I want to do colors of the same family? Do I want to do varying colors? Something I will decide as the semester continues.

Here are the two new works that I have made this week.




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